April Salon - Michele Tracy Berger
April 13, 2022
Salon Topic:
On being the belle of the intersectional stigma ball, without knowing about the ball

Salon Guests:
Michele Tracy Berger, PhD
Professor, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Salon Description:
Dr. Berger will discuss conceptualizing and coining the term 'intersectional stigma' based on research with women of color living with HIV/AIDS, described in her award-winning book, Workable Sisterhood: The Political Journey of Stigmatized Women with HIV/AIDS. She will also reflect on the politics of citation for Black women scholars and ways that the concept of intersectional stigma has been utilized in various academic communities—sometimes without acknowledgement.
Guest Bio:
Michele Tracy Berger is Associate Professor in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Her research, teaching, and practice all focus on intersectional approaches to studying areas of inequality, especially racial and gender health disparities. This work spans the fields of public health, sociology and women's and gender studies.
Her latest book is Black Women’s Health: Paths to Wellness for Mothers and Daughters (New York University Press).
She served as Vice-President of the National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) from 2010-2014. Her public scholarship has appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Ed, Ms. Magazine, The Feminist Wire and other media outlets. She is currently co-chair of the Ms. Scholars Board.
And, she has just been promoted to full professor!