May 8, 2024
Salon Topic:
"The Mouth As A Site of Compound Injustices": Key Insights from Structural Intersectionality Research About Endentulism (Yeah, We Had to Look it Up Too) and Other Health Inequities

Salon Guests:
Dr. João Luiz Bastos
Associate Professor
Health Sciences
Simon Fraser University
Salon Description:
Edentulism. What is it? (Yeah, we had to look it up too). And what empirical evidence documents the link between the intersectional effects of state-level racism, sexism, and income inequality on edentulism, and likely other intersectional health inequities? There is a dire need for more structural intersectionality health inequity research to inform structural interventions to reduce or eliminate health inequities. Alas, only a handful of people have the theoretical and methodological expertise to do structural intersectionality research. João Bastos, our May 2024 guest, is in the small vanguard of quantitative researchers expanding much-needed knowledge about structural intersectionality, its methodology, and why structural intersectionality research is so vital to advancing health equity. We’ll also ask Bastos about his work developing and adapting intersectionality measures for cross-cultural measurement. You quantitative and structural intersectionality enthusiasts out there won’t want to miss this one!
Guest Bio:
João Luiz Bastos relocated from Brazil and commenced his tenured role as an Associate Professor within the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University (FHS SFU) on March 1st, 2023. He brings expertise as a quantitative researcher, with over 15 years of experience in the measurement and quantitative applications of intersectionality theory. His work emphasizes the development, refinement, and assessment of discrimination scales applied to multiply marginalized groups in different countries.
Bastos, J. L., Constante, H. M., Schuch, H. S., Haag, D. G., & Jamieson, L. M. (2022, 2022/03/01). How do state-level racism, sexism, and income inequality shape edentulism-related racial inequities in contemporary United States? A structural intersectionality approach to population oral health. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 82(S1), 16-27. Bastos, J. L., Constante, H. M., Schuch, H. S., Haag, D. G., & Jamieson, L. M. (2023). The mouth as a site of compound injustices: A structural intersectionality approach to the oral health of working-age US adults. American Journal of Epidemiology, 192(4), 560-572. Bastos, J. L., Harnois, C. E., & Paradies, Y. C. (2018). Health care barriers, racism, and intersectionality in Australia. Social Science & Medicine, 199, 209-218. Harnois, C. E., & Bastos, J. L. (2019). The promise and pitfalls of intersectional scale development. Social Science & Medicine, 223, 73-76.