January 8, 2025
Salon Topic:
Ask Me (Us) Anything Intersectionality-Related

Salon Guests:
Dr. Lisa Bowleg, ITI President and Founder
Salon Description:
Happy New Year! January 2025 marks the fourth anniversary of our Intersectionality Research Salons. My how time is flying! We launched our first one in January 2022 with a salon hosted by ITI Founder and President, Dr. Lisa Bowleg titled, “What’s an intersectionality research salon?” We thought we’d usher in 2025 with a throwback to the January 2022 salon with a salon we’re calling Ask Me (Us) Anything Intersectionality-Related. Many of you are likely familiar with the AMA (Ask Me Anything) format on podcasts and websites. But the ITI version involves a bit of a twist. Specifically, you longtime salonistes (and many of you have been riding with us since January 2022 and we are so grateful for your support and that you keep returning. Thank you!) know that the salons are designed to spark conversation among the collective; they are not one-way academic talks. Thus, come prepared to ask Lisa your intersectionality-related questions, but also be prepared to have her and other people pose intersectionality-related questions to you — hence, the us in the title. It’ll be fun. Grab a drink and we’ll see you there.