Check back soon for Spring 2025 date

Land That Grant Image, 12.4.23

Learn how to write a successful intersectionality grant proposal.

Learn in an interactive environment that ensures you build the skills and knowledge you need, with facilitators with a proven track record of successful funding applications.

The training includes:

  • Advanced reading list
  • Post-training PDF of the presentation, including reference list
  • List of all resources mentioned during training

As a bonus for enrolling early, the first 15 people to enroll will get our Tips and Tricks to Help You Land That Intersectionality Grant Checklist



Exclusive Offer: Zoom Consultations with Dr. Lisa Bowleg, ITI Founder and President

Need more tailored and specialized support to help you land that intersectionality grant?

If so, we have two exclusive, but limited offers for Zoom consultations with ITI Founder and President, and Land That Grant! instructor, Dr. Lisa Bowleg

Funders such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and private foundations are increasingly interested in funding strong intersectionality proposals, but until this training, opportunities to learn how to write a successful intersectionality proposal were rare.

Informed by ITI Founder and President Lisa Bowleg’s success writing and getting NIH-funded intersectionality grants as a principal investigator, serving as a co-investigator on NIH-funded intersectionality R01 grants, mentoring K01 intersectionality-focused training awards, and serving as a reviewer of NIH grant proposals as a former NIH study section member, we have developed Land That Grant! to share the key tips and strategies that you need to know to write a competitive intersectionality grant application. Although the training focuses primarily on NIH grant proposals for the social and behavioral sciences, this training will be beneficial to anyone writing an intersectionality and health-focused grant application.

Save-the-Date for Land That Grant coming soon in Spring 2025