June Salon - Mandi Pratt-Chapman, PhD
June 14, 2023

Salon Topic:
Integrating Intersectionality within LGBTQIA+ "Cultural Competency" Training for Health Care Providers: Lessons and Challenges

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Salon Guests:
Mandi Pratt-Chapman, PhD
Associate Center Director for Community Outreach, Engagement and Equity
GW Cancer Center
Associate Professor of Medicine
The George Washington University
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Salon Description:
Mandi Pratt-Chapman, PhD is Associate Professor of Medicine for the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Associate Professor of Prevention and Community Health for the GW Milken Institute School of Public Health, and Associate Center Director, Community Outreach, Engagement and Equity for the GW Cancer Center. Her personal mission is to make evidence-based health care and disease prevention strategies available to more people as quickly as possible. Her research focuses on patient navigation, cancer survivorship, evidence-based cancer control, and health equity for intersectional lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) communities. She recently founded a nonprofit called Radical Inclusivity that promotes healing by bringing people closer to nature and to each other. The organization seeks to foster inclusive perspectives to solve challenging social problems.