March Salon - Ayden Scheim
March 8, 2023
Salon Topic:
How Many Scales Do We Need? Intersectionality and Survey Measures

Salon Guests:
Ayden Scheim, PhD
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology
Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health
Salon Description:
As intersectionality is increasingly adopted as a framework for quantitative health equity studies, survey researchers grapple with how to incorporate intersectionality frameworks and praxis in scale development and validation, data collection, and analysis. Informed by his ongoing research evaluating the Intersectional Discrimination Index, Dr. Scheim will start a conversation about conceptual, methodological, and ethical considerations for intersectionality-informed survey measures.
Guest Bio:
Ayden Scheim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health in Philadelphia. He is a social epidemiologist who works with populations confronting stigma and oppression to understand and address the health impacts of inequitable social, policy, and healthcare environments. Along with Dr. Greta Bauer, he developed the Intersectional Discrimination Index (InDI) to measure experiences of discrimination along multiple axes of social identity and position in population health research. He is PI of a NIMHD-funded study to cognitively and psychometrically evaluate the InDI, in English and Spanish, among racially/ethnically and sexually diverse adults in the U.S.
- Scheim AI, Bauer GR. The Intersectional Discrimination Index: Development and validation of measures of self-reported enacted and anticipated discrimination for intercategorical analysis. Social Science & Medicine. 2019 Apr 1;226:225-35.
- Harnois CE, Bastos JL. The promise and pitfalls of intersectional scale development. Social Science & Medicine. 2019 Feb 1;223:73-6.
- Scheim AI, Bauer GR, Bastos JL, Poteat T. Advancing Intersectional Discrimination Measures for Health Disparities Research: Protocol for a Bilingual Mixed Methods Measurement Study. JMIR research protocols. 2021 Aug 30;10(8):e30987.