February 14, 2024

Salon Topic:
Getting Intersectionally Bare for Research & Praxis: Conducting an Autoethnography to Reflect on the Barriers to PrEP for Black Gay and Bisexual Men


Salon Guests:
Derek T. Dangerfield II, PhD

Salon Description:
Reflexivity, the self-conscious reflection on how our values, intersectional positions, disciplinary training, and experiences shape all aspects of the research process, is a core theme of qualitative research. And then there’s the reflexivity that intrepid qualitative researchers such as Dr. Derek Dangerfield II embark on when they choose autoethnography as their methodology, and their own personal experiences as the focus for praxis. In this salon, Dr. Dangerfield will take us behind the scenes of the process of deciding to conduct and publish an autoethnography about his experiences considering and accessing Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention from health care providers to inform his advocacy to increase PrEP uptake for Black gay and bisexual men. This salon is a must-attend for anyone curious about intersectional autoethnography and research as a tool for praxis.