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Check Out What People Do After Training with the Intersectionality Training Institute
In line with our commitment to build and foster an engaged community of scholars and researchers who share our dedication to being good stewards of intersectionality, we are thrilled to share some the things that people have done after training with the Intersectionality Training Institute.™
Of course, we don’t claim full credit for their accomplishments. We attract intelligent and highly motivated people who come to us with well-formulated ideas about the health equity research they are doing or want to do. We do believe however, that our excellent trainings encourage people who train with us to do even more transformative and groundbreaking intersectional health equity work that aligns with core themes of intersectionality after our trainings, than had they not taken a training with us.
But don’t take our word for it. Check out this impressive list of intersectionality-related accomplishments of what people do after participating in an Intersectionality Training Institute training.
They publish articles highlighting intersectionality after attending an ITI training

Dougie Zubizarreta, MS
Doctoral student
Population Health Sciences Social & Behavioral Sciences Department
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Zubizarreta, D., Trinh, M.-H., & Reisner, S. L. (2024). Quantitative approaches to measuring structural cisgenderism. Social Science & Medicine, 340, 116437.
Dougie attended the Intersectionality Summer Intensive 2023.

Brooke A. Levandowski, Ph.D., M.P.A.
Associate Professor
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department of Public Health Sciences
Director, LGBTQ+ Health Initiative
University of Rochester Medical Center
- Levandowski BA, Pro GC, Rietberg-Miller SB,Camplain R, We are complex beings: comparison of statistical methods to capture and account for intersectionality.; BMJ open; Vol 14(1), pp. e077194. 2024 Jan 30.
Brooke attended the Intersectionality-In-A-Day Training in June 2023.
They Become Joint Principal Investigators of a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-Funded 5-year R01 Grant on a Strengths-Based Intersectional Approach to Suicide Prevention
At the inaugural Intersectionality Summer Intensive 2022 (ISI 2022), Lindsay Taliaferro, PhD., MPH, MS of the University of Central Florida College of Medicine met fellow participant, Stephanie Cook, DrPH, MPH of New York University. Dr. Taliaferro used the ISI 2022 Slack channel to see whether there was anyone who shared her research interests in suicide prevention for racially and ethnically diverse LGBTQ+ adolescents and young and adults. Dr. Cooks’ research interests in the effects of structural and individual-level minority stressors on the mental and physical health of intersectionally-diverse young adults transitioning to adulthood was a perfect match. A new collaboration was born, and next thing you know, Dr. Taliaferro and Dr. Cook are joint-principal investigators (PIs) on a 2023 NIMH- funded R01 grant titled, “A Strengths Based, Intersectional Approach to Suicide Prevention Among Black Sexual and Gender Minority Youth” (1R01MH134051-01).

Lindsay Taliaferro, PhD, MPH, MS
Associate Professor
Department of Population Health Sciences
College of Medicine
University of Central Florida

Stephanie Cook, DrPH, MPH
James Weldon Johnson Professor
Assistant Professor of Social & Behavioral
Sciences, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
New York University
They Become PIs of 5-Year NIH K01 Intersectionality-Focused Training Grants
Rodrigo Aguayo-Romero, PhD
Research Scientist
Whitman-Walker Institute
ISI 2022 cohort members Rodrigo Aguayo-Romero, PhD, a Research Scientist at Whitman-Walker Institute, and Jennifer Glick, PhD, a new Associate Professor at Louisiana State University, are PIs of new K01 awards that feature intersectionality as a core focus of their training plans to become independent investigators. Dr. Aguayo-Romero’s K01 grant, titled Intersectional Discrimination and Linkage to HIV Prevention and Care in Transgender Women in Ecuador was funded by NIMH with a project start date of September 2023.

Jennifer Glick, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor
Louisiana State University
Dr. Glick’s award, titled, HIV Risk, PrEP Disparities and Stigma Among Women Who Use Drugs in the U.S. South with Attention to Race and Sexual Orientation: A Mixed Methods Intersectionality Study (1K01DA059328-01), was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) with a project start date of August 2023.
They Get Awarded Intersectionality-Informed Administrative Supplement Grants
Paul Wesson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
School of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Paul Wesson, PhD (inaugural ISI 2022 cohort) of the University of California, San Francisco was awarded an NIMH-funded Ending the HIV Epidemic Administrative Supplement (award number 3P30MH062246-23S1). The supplement titled, Implementation Strategies to Optimize Post-Incarceration Continuity of Care for People Living with HIV with Criminal Legal Involvement, uses intersectionality as its main theoretical framework, integrates intersectionality through the project’s quantitative, qualitative and implementation science aims, and utilizes the Intersectionality-Enhanced Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (IE-CFIR) to assess implementation, service, and patient-level outcomes.

They Author or Co-Author Intersectionality Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Rodrigo Aguayo-Romero, PhD
Research Scientist
Perez-Brumer, A., Salazar, X., Nunez-Curto, A., D’Amico, L., Aguayo-Romero, R., Reisner, S. L., & Silva-Santisteban, A. (2023). Intersectional stigma and the arc of intranational migration: experiences of transgender adolescents and women who migrate within Peru. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1202. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-023-15985-1
Elle Lett, PhD, AM
Clinical Assistant Professor, Health Systems and Population Health
School of Public Health
University of Washington
Elle Lett, PhD, AM (ISI 2022) has been a writing phenom since ISI 2022. Her intersectionality articles include:
- Cicero, E. C., Lett, E., Flatt, J. D., Benson, G. P., & Epps, F. (2023). Transgender adults from minoritized ethnoracial groups in the U.S. report greater subjective cognitive decline. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 78(6), 1051-1059. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbad012
- Lett, E. (2022). Crossing lines does not equal intersectionality. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 45(6), 983-984. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10865-022-00375-6
- Lett, E., & La Cava, W. G. (2023). Translating intersectionality to fair machine learning in health sciences. Nature Machine Intelligence, 5(5), 476-479. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-023-00651-3
- Lett, E., Logie, C. H., & Mohottige, D. (2023). Intersectionality as a lens for achieving kidney health justice. Nature Reviews Nephrology, 19(6), 353-354. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41581-023-00715-y

Marie-Fatima Hyacinthe
PhD Candidate, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS
Yale School of Public Health
Marie-Fatima Hyacinthe (ISI 2022) is the co-author with Elle Lett, PhD, AM of:
Lett, E., Hyacinthe, M.-F., Davis, D.-A., & Scott, K., A. . (2023). Community support persons and mitigating obstetric racism during childbirth. The Annals of Family Medicine, 21(3), 227. https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.2958
Whitney Irie, PhD, MSW
Assistant Professor
School of Social Work
Boston College
Whitney Irie, PhD, MSW, who participated in the December 2022 virtual Intro to Intersectionality In A Day training, was the lead author on this article:
Irie, W. C., Chitneni, P., Glynn, T. R., Allen, W., Chai, P. R., Engelman, A. N., Hurtado, R., Li, J. Z., Li, P., Lockman, S., Marcus, J. L., Ogunshola, F. J., Rönn, M. M., Haberer, J., Ghebremichael, M., Ciaranello, A., For the Harvard University Center for Aids Research Diversity, E., & Inclusion Working, G. (2023). Pathways and intersections: Multifaceted approaches to engage individuals from underrepresented and marginalized communities in HIV research and career development. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 94(2S), S116-S121. https://doi.org/10.1097/QAI.0000000000003265

They Mentor the Next Generation of Intersectionality Researchers and Scholars
We were thrilled to welcome members of the inaugural ISI 2022 cohort to ISI 2023 to mentor the ISI 2023 cohort. From left to right: Elless-Roselee Akré, PhD, MA; Lindsay Taliaferro, PhD, MPH, MA, Stephanie Cook; DrPH, MPH, Rodrigo Aguayo-Romero, PhD; Ana María del Río González, PhD; Marie-Fatima Hyacinthe, Doctoral Student; Akua Gyamerah, DrPH, MPH; Jennifer Glick, PhD, MPH; Elle Lett, PhD, AM

They Return to the Intersectionality Summer Intensive as a Guest Speaker and Facilitator
We were so excited to welcome Dr. Elle Lett back to the ISI, this time as a guest speaker and facilitator. Her presentation, titled “Not On My Watch!”: Guarding Against the Flattening of Intersectionality and Health Equity Tourism was, expectedly, fire! And if you don’t know about her article on health equity tourism, you should. Here’s the citation:
Lett, E., Adekunle, D., McMurray, P., Asabor, E. N., Irie, W., Simon, M. A., Hardeman, R., & McLemore, M. R. (2022). Health equity tourism: Ravaging the justice landscape. Journal of Medical Systems, 46(17). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-022-01803-5

After her presentation, Dr. Lett joined the facilitators’ roundtable with, from left to right: Greta Bauer, PhD, MPH; Ange-Marie Hancock, PhD; and Lisa Bowleg, PhD, MA for a lively discussion with the ISI 2023 cohort in a session we called, “Yeah, But is Your Work Intersectional? A Conversation.”
They Co-Chair an International Intellectual Forum on Sex and Gender and Position Intersectionality as A Cross-Cutting Perspective
L. Zachary DuBois
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Oregon
L. Zachary DuBois (ISI 2023), an anthropologist at the University of Oregon served as the co-chair of the Ernst Strüngmann Forum on Sex and Gender: Transforming Scientific Practice. The Forum is an independent scientific group that facilitates multidisciplinary discussion on themes (e.g., sex and gender) that demand diverse perspectives to expand and advance understanding. The Forum, which took place in Frankfurt, Germany from October 8-13, 2023 was a massive intellectual and logistical undertaking that gathered roughly 40 participants from very diverse disciplines — think social and behavioral scientists having pretty intense discussions about sex, gender and their entanglements, with evolutionary biologists and clinical geneticists. Dr. DuBois along with his co-chair Dr. Anelis Kaiser Trujillo, was pivotal to the Forum’s planning, execution, and overall success.
Dr. DuBois was also a guest at the November 2023 Intersectionality Research Salon (along with Dr. Kaiser, Dr. Greta Bauer, Dr. Tonia Poteat, and Dr. Lu Ciccia) for the salon titled, What We Talked and Debated About Intersectionality and Gender/Sex at the Forum (Frankfurt, Germany, October 2024).

They Develop and Teach Undergraduate Courses into Which They Integrate Intersectionality

Kirsten G. Klein, M.A., M.S.
Health Disparities Research and Intervention Program
Associate Director, Cancer Disparities Research Collaborative
Doctoral Candidate, Counseling Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Florida
Kirsten Klein, M.A., M.S., who has attended our Intersectionality Research Salons and relied on the sample syllabi and other intersectionality resources on our website, taught a Fall 2023 undergraduate course in Black Psychology at the University of Florida. As you might expect, given the current political climate in Florida, she described it as an “EXPERIENCE.”